Combustion – electrochemistry (combustion)  

Learning Outcomes With the succesful examination in the course, the students will be in the position to: - Setup and solve chemical kinetics problems - Design and solve problems of reacting systems - Study and design burners - Analytically calculate the development of combustion with the help of computer software (Senkin, Chemkin) General Competences Apply knowledge in practice Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies Make decisions Work in teams Course Content (Syllabus) Chemical thermodynamics: Mass conservation and mixture stoichiometry, energy conservation in chemical reactions, Gibbs free energy, electrochemical potential and equilibrium, combustion temperature. Chemical kinetics: Elementary reactions, propagation and branching, reaction rate, reaction rate constant, partial equilibrium and steady state, reversible and chain reactions, explosion limits, combustion mechanisms for various fuels, pollutant formation kinetics. Transport phenomena: Kinetic theory of gases, quantity transport, transport coefficients, conservation equations. Reactors: constant volume, constant pressure, well-stirred reactor, plug-flow reactor. Laminar premixed flames: Structure, flame speed (Mallard και LeChatelier), factors affecting flame speed and thickness, ignition and quenching phenomena, stability limits. Diffusion flames: Damkoehler number, equivalency ratios, diffusion flame structure, characteristic numbers.
Combustion – electrochemistry (combustion)

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